HP-4.0 Concrete Impermeability Apparatus


HP-4.0 automatic pressure regulating concrete impermeability instrument is used to measure the impermeability of concrete,which is used in construction enterprises, scientific research institutions, design departments and other units to engaged in the measurement and experimental research of concrete impermeability.It can also be used for building materials permeability measurement of quality inspection.


  1. Working pressure(MPa):4
  2. Working mode:automatic pressurization
  3. Number of test specimens:6
  4. Trial die geometric dimensions:
  5. Top diameter 175mm
  6. Bottom diameter185mm
  7. Height 160mm
  8. Piston pump parameters:
  9. Plunger diameter 10mm
  10. Stroke 10mm
  11. Reciprocating frequency 136 times/min
  12. flow rate 0.11L/min
  13. Motor:
  14. Power80W
  15. Speed 136r/min
  16. The accuracy level of the microcomputer control device 1% (quoted error)


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