Automatic CBR Test Machine with 10 inch Controller, 50 kN Capacity

✅ASTM D1883 ✅BS 1377:4


Frame: The test frame has 2 columns and a capacity of 50 kN. It is suitable for automatic CBR test.

Load Measurement: Load, measurement and control with Load Cell that can be applied between 2% to 100% of capacity as class 1 or better accuracy according to the EN-ISO-7500-1 standard.

Displacement Measurement: the device has a lvdt with measuring length is 25 mm and accuracy as 0.01 mm for displacement measurement.

Servo electromechanical Drive system: It has precise stepper motor drive mechanism. It can perform precise loads with closed-loop control with mechanic precision gear stepper motor system.

Control Unit: Control unit of machine is “Sematron Touch Series” 10 inch advanced controller, control unit allows constant load increase adjustable between 0.05 kN/Sec – 25kN/Sec and displacement increase adjustable 0,001 mm/min – 60 mm/min, mechanical piston release load automatically at sample break, feasible for simple strength test – ramp loading – holding load constant – sinusoidal waveform with Loading and Unloading Control. 1kHz data acquisition and control capability which allows accuracy in control and reading load, special close loop (PID) control with double loop, automatic gain feature for different sensors, automatic calibration function. The electronic control unit has minimum 2 analogue and 3 digital channels (as optional). Test software to perform fully automatic test and result calculations.

Product CodeProduct Name
BSO-208Automatic CBR Test Machine with 10 inch Controller, 50 kN Capacity
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