Besmak Cold Bend Testing Machine

Code: BMT-150CF

Standards: EN ISO 15630-1 EN ISO 7438 EN 10080 ASTM A615


Used for bending and straightening steel reinforcing bars. Two types of tests can be performed:

1. Bending the specimen through 90° and then straightening it again up to a minimum of 20°.

2. Bending through 180°.

The 150 kN machine consists essentially of a hydraulic jack (linear actuator with stroke 600 mm) with cylindrical mandrel-stem, mounted horizontally within a strong steel frame which also carry two fixed reaction rollers. Two 50 and 100 mm dia. rollers are supplied with the machine. They may easily be adjusted with hand operated wheel in distance to be in accordance with the Standards. Fixing and changing the mandrels on top of the thrust cylinder is easy and practical and grants the operator a perfect interchangeability of the same. The machine is cased to protect every single component from the dust, and the operator from any possible danger.

Mandrels which are given with the machine are according to EN ISO 15630-1 and ASTM A615& A615M standards. Please specify your requested standard of mandrels when ordering.

Mandrels which are given with the machine are according to EN ISO 15630-1 and ASTM A615& A615M standards. Please specify your requested standard of mandrels when ordering.

BESMAK Code Mandrel Diameter (mm) Re-bar diameter (mm)
BMT-150CF/ EN ISO 15630-1 Set 24 4-6
32 7
40 8
56 10
64 12
96 14
112 16
128 18
132 20
140 22
180 24-26
200 28
224 30-32
320 34-38
336 40



BESMAK Code Mandrel Diameter (mm) Re-bar diameter (mm) (in.)
BMT-150CF/ ASTM A615& A615M Set 32 9.5 (3)
44 12.7 (4)
56 15.9 (5)
96 19.0 (6)
112 22.2 (7)
128 25.4 (8)
200 28.7 (9)
224 32.2 (10)
250 35.8 (11)



  • Maximum loading capacity: 150 kN
  • Piston travel max. speed: 60 mm/min
  • Power: 1100 W
  • Dimensions: 935 x 1750 x 1100 mm
  • Approx. weight: 670 kg


BMT-150CF Besmak Cold Bend Testing Machine, 150 kN Capacity