The CalChecker Pro’ has been specifically designed to verify the accuracy of the electronics inside the BathyCorrometer® Pro’ yet it can be used with older Buckleys and Roxby units too.
The CalChecker Pro’ is quick and easy to use and provides a benchmark for recalibration without needing to break the water seal. The CalChecker Pro’ consists of a precision voltage reference giving an output of 1.900 volts. The unit should be plugged into the socket in the BathyCorrometer Pro’s handle.
With the BCM checker switched off, the BathyCorrometer should read 0.000 and, with the BCM Checker switched on, the BathyCorrometer should read 1.900. The BCM checker is powered by a 3V coin-cell battery (supplied) and is designed to shut off its output when the battery voltage is low. One LED shows when the unit is switched on.