Compression / flexural testing machine with dual measuring range 250/15 kN, motorized with Servo-Plus progress control unit (fully automatic model) for cement and mortar specimens, bricks, rocks, refractories etc.
These testing machines foresee a dual measuring range in the same testing chamber. The two ranges can be used alternatively and are suitable to perform:
- Flexural tests on cement prisms 40.1x40x160 mm (selecting the low capacity range)
- Compression tests on portions of prism 40.1x40x160 mm broken in flexure, cubes side 40, 50, 70, 100 mm 2”, cores with max. height of 180 mm (selecting the nominal range).
The measuring ranges 0 – 15kN can also be used for compression tests on specimens with expected low strength values.
Equipped with an electric microswitch to stop the piston after the specimen breakage, to avoid damage to the compression or flexure device.