Computer Controlled Tidal Energy Unit

The Computer Controlled Tidal Energy Un “EMMC”, is designed for simulating this energy generation system, allowing the study and tests of the operation and performance of a tidal barrage system for energy generation.


Tidal energy is another way to generate electricity extracting energy from the sea. Twice a day big volumes of water rise and fall with the tides.

A Tidal Barrage make use of the potential energy in the difference in height (or head) between high and low tides.

This system is based on constructing a dam which dams the water entering by a tide into an estuary or pool. Practicing an entry on the dam wall, the water is obliged to enter through it, increasing its speed and, therefore, allowing to use it by turbines for energy generation.

The Computer Controlled Tidal Energy Un”EMMC”, is designed for simulating this energy generation system, allowing the study and tests of the operation and performance of a tidal barrage system for energy generation.

This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.

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