HR-E0100 Electromechanical Flexural-Compression Testing Machine has 100 kN capacity.
The device is consist of 2 rigid columns, a cast iron base with gear box inside and a steel bridge to hold the Loadcell and accessories.
The device is supplied with a special moving upper platen and 100 kN Loadcell for compression tests, beam testing apparatus and 50 kN Load cell for flexure tests. The Digital Readout Unit and Software is also supplied standard with the device.
The moving of the piston is limited with 2 switches located at up and lower end of the piston.
100 kN and 50 kN Load cell calibration data can be saved independently by the Digital Readout Unit. The load vs time graph can be seen from the LCD screen during the test. The device can be connected to a computer by RS-232 serial port and different types of user and sample data can be stored.