Full Automatic Hydraulic Unit (Membrane Type LCD and Touch Screen options)



The hydraulic unit has a high performance valve. It is directly controlled by the digital unit providing automatic control. By increasing the load, it keeps it at a certain load and then controls the speed ratio that reduces the load. The speed adjustment is made by a very sensitive valve controlled by a stepper motor, thus allowing a micrometric action on the speed, resulting in perfect results. A laser position detector provides rapid positioning of the piston. This gives the test tactile sensitivity starting at about 0.1 thousandths of the maximum capacity.

Product Code Product Name
BCO-PS400-ST BESMAK-Touch Screen Controlled Servo Hydraulic Power Unit, 400 Bar
BCO-PS550-ST BESMAK-Touch Screen Controlled Servo Hydraulic Power Unit, 550 Bar
BCO-PS600-ST BESMAK-Touch Screen Controlled Servo Hydraulic Power Unit, 600 Bar
BCO-PS400-S BESMAK-Sematron Controlled Hydraulic Power Unit, 400 bar
BCO-PS550-S BESMAK-Sematron Controlled Hydraulic Power Unit, 550 bar
BCO-PS400-SSO BESMAK-Sematron Controlled Semi-Automatic Hydraulic Power Unit, 400 bar
BCO-PS400-STS BESMAK-Touch Screen Servo Controlled Hydraulic Power Unit, 400 Bar
BCO-PS100/STCP BESMAK – Instant Servo Hydraulic Touch Screen Controlled Constant Pressure System, 100 bar
BCO-PS600/STCP BESMAK – Instant Servo Hydraulic Touch Screen Controlled Constant Pressure System, 600 bar



  • Double pump system.
  • Pumps are imported from Hawe (Germany).
  • Can adjust to speed automatically.
  • Adjustable load rate between 0.5 and 25 kN /s
  • Accuracy is +- 0.5 % of indicated load
  • Used imports transducer for pressure sensor with +/- 1% precision.
  • Can connect to any unit in the laboratory.
  • 230 V / 50 Hz.
  • Membrane type and touchscreen options are available.
  • Dimensions : 400 ⨉ 500 ⨉ 850 mm
  • Weight : 71 kg


BESMAK - Hydraulic Control Unit with Sematron Touch Screen Controller