LGT-100 Laser Gas Analyzer


LGT-100 is a flameproof in-situ type analyser capable of analysing O2, CO, NH3, CO2, CH4, H2O, HCl, HF and other gases in various and complex conditions. The LGT-100 laser gas analyser can be directly installed across stack, with the advantages of uncomplicated sampling, no pre-treatment system, simple construction and no moving parts. The analyser’s OLED screen benefits from low power consumption, a wide viewing angle, and excellent low temperature resistance – it can display properly even at -40?. Moreover, it can quickly respond to magnetic pen operation.

Technical Characteristics

  • High selectivity

TDLAS is high resolution spectrum technology, due to the “fingerprint” characteristics of the spectrum, it is not affected

by the interference of other gases. This feature compared with other methods molecularhas obvious advantages

  • High versatility

TDLAS is an effective general technology to all activist withinfrared absorption. Only need to change laser and standard
gas, the same instruments can be convenient to measure the other components. Based on this characteristic, it can be
easily changed to multi-component measurement instrument.

  • High sensitivity

TDLAS has the advantages of rapid response speed and high sensitivity. In the case of not losing sensitivity, its time
resolution can be found in ms level.
System Configuration


  • Easy optical path adjusting, XY direction non-coupling adjusting.
  • Small drift, long maintenance period, drift ≤ 1%F.S./half year.
  • “Single line” spectrum technology, free from interference of background gas.
  • Integrated structure design, high stability and reliability.
  • Integrated flameproof structure, consuming less purge gas compared with positive-pressure mode.
  • In-situ measurement without pretreatment system avoids adsorption, blockage and damage, reduces cost.



Response Time≤1s (T90)
Linear Error≤ ±1%F.S.
Span Drift≤ ±1% F.S./ half year
Type Of ProtectionExdIICT6 GB
Enclosure RatingIP66
Analog Output2×4-20mA output
Analog Input2×4-20mA input
Digital CommunicationsRS485/RS232/GPRS
Working Temp.-20℃~+60℃
Purge gas0.3MPa ~ 0.8MPa N2, clean air


  • In-situ installation
  • Fast response
  • Real-time measurement, without pretreatment
  • Lowest maintenance cost
  • No interference from background gases, vapor and dust
  • Easy to alignment the light path


Apply to converter gas recovery gas analysis, CDQ circulating gas analysis; oxygen measuring electric fishing coke oven gas after analysis; pulverized coal injection gas analysis; ammonia escaping gas analysis in the cement industry; trace CO detection and analysis electricity, cement, environmental protection; HCl and HF trace analysis in environmental protection and  chemical industry


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