The PET (Pile Integrity Tester) uses the Pulse-Echo method (PEM) for quick pile integrity test (quality control) on a site with a large number of piles.
A pile test starts when the pile top is struck with a lightweight handheld hammer. The reflected wave is captured and analyzed by the PET’s digital accelerometer to provide information regarding the length and shape of the pile. [ Overview of this test method ] [ How to perform pile integrity test using PET?
The PET is fully compliant with ASTM D5882-16: Standard Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing of Deep Foundations and AFNOR P160-2,4 standard for pile integrity testing as well as additional standards.
The PET device can connect to your MS-Windows portable PC or with the Bluetooth version to your Android smartphone or tablet.
The PET package includes all software versions, for PC and for Android.