The screw-in K-SAT reference electrode is an ideal environmentally friendly replacement for the old-style calomel reference cells.
The reference electrode is used to ascertain the potential of the silver/silver chloride/seawater (Ag/AgCl/seawater) half-cell in a BathyCorrometer®, UCP1A or UCP1B underwater probe.It has been specifically designed to be used on the BathyCorrometer. This is achieved by removing the stainless steel probe tip and screwing on the K-series reference electrode. The potential of the internal Ag/AgCl/seawater reference cell can then be checked.
To be confident in the results, ideally a set of three, different, K series electrodes should be used. The electrodes can also be used for checking the UCP1A or UCP1B probes but an adaptor lead and a high impedance voltmeter (greater than 10MOhm) would be required. The electrode is housed in a high-resistance PVC body. The reference electrode is supplied with full operating instructions and will give a service life of up to 1 year if correctly maintained and used.