Servo Hydraulic Bogie Test Machine, Static Compresion Test



BESMAK BMT-S/BOJIE Series Servo Hydraulic Bogie Compression Test Device has a body structure specially designed for bogies and is produced in accordance with standards. The system has a servo hydraulic structure. Force measurement and control is carried out via a load cell. The servo hydraulic actuator, which has a double-acting structure specifically for bogie pressing applications, is positioned on the upper side of the high-rigidity test body. The loading head of the actuator is produced in a mechanical spherical structure suitable for the bogie base. The test system also allows position-controlled applications through the position sensor embedded in the actuator. Thanks to the application-specific infrastructure of the system, it can perform force control, displacement control, user-defined stepwise loading with force or displacement control, and constant load waiting applications. Thanks to the force measurement system placed under the bogies, if requested, the loads applied to each of the wheels of the bogies can be measured and the deformations at the end of the bogie construction can be measured.

Product Code Product Name
BMT-250S/BOJİ Servo-Hydraulic Bogie Test Machine,  250 kN Capacity
Servo-Hydraulic Bogie Test Machine,  450 kN Capacity


  • Test device consist of; Bogie Test Frame, Servo Hydraulic Actuator, Electronic Control Unit, Servo Hydraulic Power Unit with Air Cooled Type Heat Exchanger, 8 Loadcell and 4 LVDT for each bogie wheel and Test Software.
  • Servo Hydraulic Actuator; Double-acting structure, minimized friction with at least 300 mm stroke, equipped with high precision load cell and embaded type displacement sensor with non-contact measurement technology to control the device with force and displacement control.
  • Wheel Measurement System; for each wheel to measure the distribution of the central applied load on the bogie, 8 precision load cells with 100 kN Capacity and 4 linear measuring probes(LVDT) with a minimum measurement length of 50 mm.
  • Load Measurement and Control: It is made with the load cell with the sensitivity of the capacity class 0.5 according to the ISO 7500-1 standard.
  • Displacement Measurement and Control: It can be performed with a sensitivity of 0.01 mm with SSI type sensor with non-contact electromagnetic measurement technology embedded in MTS brand piston. Displacement measurement and control speed can be adjusted between 0.01 mm / min and 100 mm / min.
  • Hydraulic Power Unit: Servo hydraulic power unit is equipped with a dynamic and fast response servo valve. The servo hydraulic power unit is suitable for low cycle repetitive loading and has an air-cooled cooling system to cool the heated oil.
  • Control unit: It is capable of controlling at least 10 sensors and has a data sampling rate of 10000 per second. (It operates at 10 kHz per second.) The system can be connected to load, displacement, stress and any external sensor (Lvdt, Automatic Extensometer, Laser Extensometer, Video Extensometer, Strain Gauge etc.) that can be integrated into the system and can be tested in a controlled manner. A remote control console that can be connected to the electronic control unit will be provided with the system.
  • Test software: It will be provided with the test system and all functions of the system can be controlled over the computer with the software. With the software, real-time load, stress, displacement, deformation and more than 20 parameters that can be defined as user-defined, data can be transferred to the graphic screen and the graphic axes can be changed by the user as desired. The test system electronic control unit and special bogie compression test software are provided. With the test software, tensile and compression direction load, displacement and deformation controlled applications should be performed. User-defined step, sinusoidal, triangular, rectangular and ramp loadings can be performed on the device with load, displacement and deformation control. The device and software have an overload protection system in terms of operational safety. The results can be obtained in either a user-defined report format or in the form of raw data in excel format.