Servomotor Industrial Application

The Servomotor Industrial Application, “AE-SMI”, is designed to perform up to seven controls used in motion technology: position control,speed control, torque control, position and speed control, speed and torque control and the full-closed control (position, speed and torquecontrol at the same time).


The Servomotor Industrial Application, “AE-SMI”, is designed to perform up to seven controls used in motion technology: position control,speed control, torque control, position and speed control, speed and torque control and the full-closed control (position, speed and torquecontrol at the same time). The “AE-SMI” application allows the student to configure all the parameters involved in these controls, such asto adjust the PID control parameters, perform an auto-tuning of the control parameters, adjust the torque limit, adjust the speed limit, setthe type of input control signal, configure alarms, set the home position, acceleration and deceleration of the system when it approachesthe desired position, speed or torque point and a long etc.

The “AE-SMI” is a computerized system. The computer is used to configure and monitor the response and state of the servomotor controlsystem, allowing the visualization of the current position, speed and torque value in a customizable time-dependent chart, the state of thedigital and analog input and output signals, the type of chosen control, etc.

The “SMI-UB” is the base unit of the “AE-SMI”, and there is a wide range of additional applications available, being at least one ofthem required to work with the “SMI-UB”. The additional applications available are real examples of the industry systems: servomotorwith adjustable brake, servomotor in a linear axis system, servomotor in a conveyor belt system, servomotor in a rotary table system andservomotor in a machine press.

The “SMI-UB” also allows the student to work with a programmable logic controller, PLC. The PLC receives the signals of the differentsensors installed in each additional application and controls the servo system through digital and pulsed signals, allowing the addition ofa PLC control to a servomotor system.

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