Surface Interaction Test and Analyzer for Sheet Metal Forming Processes



Sheet metal must have good forming properties. Typical forming processes, such as deep drawing and stretch forming are regulated by standard testing methods. BESMAK® sheet metal testing machines test these properties with drawing forces up to 1,000 kN. Another important but complex test is the determination of the forming limit curve, from which engineers can derive limit strains that should not be exceeded during forming processes. BESMAK® works in close collaboration with highly specialized partners to develop the optical measurement technology required for recording strains during the drawing process.

A great number of further sheet metal forming tests can be carried out using our Universal Sheet

Metal Testing Machines, equipped with suitable test tools:

  • Olsen or Persoz cupping test
  • Square cup test
  • Bore expanding test (KWI test)
  • Deep drawing cup test acc. to Swift
  • Fukui test
  • Engelhardt test
  • LDH test
  • Determination of the forming limit curves (FLC)
  • Bulge test
  • Tests applying drawing speeds up to 30 m/min
  • Cupping Tests at temperatures up to 550 degrees C

and many more…

Product Code Product Name
BMT- 200STA/T Servo-Hydraulic Single Axis Sheet Metal Testing System, 200 kN Capacity
BMT- 600STA/T Servo-Hydraulic Single Axis Sheet Metal Testing System, 600 kN Capacity


Besmak Servo-Hydraulic  Single Axis Sheet Metal Test System;

The test electronic column system consists of a  electric hydraulic test body, a EDC electronic hydraulic control unit and a part tearing servo motor control unit and a servo system punch press unit. In addition, it is designed with a special hardware system made of steel for testing and punching force with high capacity rigidity on the upper part.

The tearing tool will be controlled with a EDC electronic control unit and a power unit. The body is of 4-column and screw type and is intended to perform uniaxial tear strength tests . Column upper-lower steel body blocks are without connection welding, and its screwed structure is the test body for many years. It has an actuator structure that can be produced with  reduced to a minimum. The piston stroke is at least 150 mm.

It has goodness with its high capacity rigid punch system on the body. The system consists of a specially developed unit control unit and a sematron motor unit in a single-acting structure that has been reduced to a designable minimum. The piston stroke is at least 50 mm. The sample head must be closed from the pneumatic structure.

The punch is used in extremely well formed applications. From its universal structure, it is possible to switch to FLD-FLC, Erichsen-Cupping and Hole Expansion applications with matrices.

The test site is suitable for Hole Expansion tests with its  closed-loop structure. Tear will transmit with load. Class 1 and better sensitivity between 2% and 100% of capacity according to the high ISO 7500-1 standard. Displacement measurement and control can be performed with a precision of 0.01 mm with the SSI tip, which has the technology that can be applied to the MTS brand piston without contact, and the displacement can be measured and applied.

Electronic control unit can be controlled via computer, and computer module can be controlled by LAN and USB. Electronic control unit, 2 internal, 2 external and 1 RS 232/485 channel with 7 channels in total. The control unit operates with a data sampling rate of 1000 (1kHz/s).

With the test application, it is possible to direct and target application in the real sense. Test adjustments can be performed serially as necessary experiments with repetitive testing. and the device that cannot be prevented from failing is not automatic.

Features of the sematron hydraulic control unit that will create the punch pressure force;

By itself, the computer reads and can be purchased with a larger customer or Ethernet connection. Mouse can be integrated via USB port. Data can be taken from Flash Disk (USB). Electronic control unit has automatic adjustment.

The system has a closed loop, so that loading and unloading can be performed. In the system, sinusoidal, ramp load loading, constant load can be exhibited. 2% to 100% of the capacity with the vehicle in load and control inspection, class 1 is the standard with better precision. Switching loading speed from 0.1kN/sec to 20kN/sec. In the system, the screen and the piston can be provided from separate units, but the test can be controlled alone.