GCOM-4000 VOCs Water Volatile Organic Compounds Online Analyzer


GCOM-4000-VOCs consist of headspace sampling module and high temperature chromatographic analysis modules(GC-FID). It can monitor volatile organic compounds such as section benzene series(benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene, isopropyl benzene) in industrial wastewater and the surface water and part of halogenated hydrocarbons. After the pipe pretreatment, water is pumped into the top of the analyzer empty pool, in the condition of constant temperature heating,volatile organic compounds in water samples are transferred to the gas phase space on the surface of the liquid. After inflating and decompression of carrier gas,sample gas is evaporating out and then transferred to high temperature chromatographic analysis module for testing. By headspace sampling device of liquid to gas phase process,direct measurement of volatile out clean gas overcome the effect of impurities such as suspended solids in water samples on analytic flowpath.


Method  GC-FID
Range  0-100mg/L
Distinguishability  0.001ppm
Repeatability  ±2%
Accuracy  ±10%
Measurement Period ≤1h
Insulation Resistance  20M
Signal Output  RS232/485
Communication Protocol  Modbus-RTU/TCP
Size  600mm×800mm×1600mm
Enclosure Rating  IP65
Power  220VAC,2500W
Working Temperature  -20℃~+50℃
Working Humidity  5% Rh~95%Rh (non-condensing)
Compressed Air Requirement (0.4~0. 8) MPa
Working Carrier Gas  nitrogen,purity≥99.999%


  • After completion of each sample, analyzer automatically counter blows the chromatographic column to speed up the component screening and analysis
  • It use headspace sampling module to reduce the interference of impurity on water effectively
  • Gas line is inert processed to avoid the adsorption and residue of samples on the wall
  • FID detector has a function of automatic judge and automatic ignition after outfire
  • Software in addition to the built-in a default analysis method, also allows the user to free configure analysis process and methods
  • Configuration supports multiple detectors which can be used for complex sample analysis at the same time and can improve the ability of analysis
  • Support TCP/IP network remote controlling workstation
  • Can be equipped with explosion-proof instrument racks


Apply to volatile organic compounds monitoring include wastewater from the end of the manufacturing industry such as paint, resin, dye, ink, medicine, and also centralized drinking water and surface water.