The HİRA Automatic range of 2000 kN and 3000 kNcapacity compression testing machines have been designed for reliable and consistent testing of a wide range of specimens.Machines confirm all EN, ASTM and BS standards writtenabove. These also meet the requirements of CE norms for the safety and health of the operator.
Testing machines are supplied with EN compression platens as standard. Machines also comply with the ASTM C39 standard when used together with suitable platens.
Tests can be performed by either Digital Readout Unit or on a computer with using free Software.
The Automatic Compression Testing Machines allow inexperienced operators to perform the tests. Once the machine has been switched on and the specimen is positioned and centered by the help of centering apparatus. The only required operations are;
• Setting test parameters, including pace rate (only required when the specimen type is changed).
• Pressing the START button on the control unit
• The machine automatically starts the rapid approach, when the specimen touches the upper platen the rapid approach is ended and starts loading at the pace rate that selected by user and stops once the specimen fails.
Main Features
• Pace rate control from 1 kN/sec to 20kN/sec depending on piston size.
• Can control 2 frames (optional)
• Can make test with load control.
• Real time display of test graph.
• Analog channels for different frame load cells
• RS-232 serial port connecting for computer interface
• LCD display
• 2 different unit system selection; kN and kgf
• Multi-language support (English and Turkish)
• 2 different unit system selection; SI and Metric
• Real-time clock and date
• Free of charge PC software for the test control and printout the test report.
Safety Features
• Maximum pressure valves to avoid machine overloading
• Piston travel limit switch
• Emergency stop button
• Software controlled maximum load value
• Front and rear transparent durable Plexiglas guards