The testing machine combination is a space-saving unit consisting of compression, tensile and bending testing machine, which is suitable for strength tests of gypsum, mortar and cement samples, as well as light and aerated concrete. Optionally a position measuring system can be installed. Measurement accuracy class 1 according to DIN EN 7500-1 in the specified measuring range.
Norms: DIN EN 12390-3, 12504-1, 12390-6, 12390-13, 1338, 206, ASTM C39, C140, C1314, E4, AASHTO T22, DIN EN 12390-5, 1339, 1340, ASTM C78, C293, C469, C496, C1019, C109/C109M
Other force ranges:
Pressure side: 50 kN, 100 kN, 150 kN, 200 kN
Bending side: 10 kN, 50 kN