Combined Compression / Flexural And Tensile Testing Machine 300 kN / 30 kN


The testing machine combination is a space-saving unit consisting of compression, tensile and bending testing machine, which is suitable for strength tests of gypsum, mortar and cement samples, as well as light and aerated concrete. Optionally a position measuring system can be installed. Measurement accuracy class 1 according to DIN EN 7500-1 in the specified measuring range.

Norms: DIN EN 12390-3, 12504-1, 12390-6, 12390-13, 1338, 206, ASTM C39, C140, C1314, E4, AASHTO T22, DIN EN 12390-5, 1339, 1340, ASTM C78, C293, C469, C496, C1019, C109/C109M

Other force ranges:
Pressure side: 50 kN, 100 kN, 150 kN, 200 kN
Bending side: 10 kN, 50 kN

Specifications Compression Side

  • Force display range: 0 - 300 kN
  • Force measuring range: 6 - 300 kN, class 1
  • Stroke: 60 mm
  • Test chamber height: max. 210 mm
  • Column spacing: front 280 mm
  • Machine platens dia. 165 mm according to EN 196
    (optional further machine platens and fixed test inserts are available)

Specifications Bending And Tension Side

  • Frame type: 3-column
  • Force display range: 0 - 30 kN
  • Force measuring range: 0,3 - 30 kN, class 1
  • Test chamber height: max. 210 mm
  • Order accessories separately

Control Unit

Control cabinet SV-i20 with main switch inclusive undervoltage release and emergency stop switch, as well as a Schuko plug on the front panel. Connection plug CEE plug 16 A (3 ~ 400 V, 50 Hz)


A large area of the testing machine is equipped with an impact-resistant, transparent test room protection made of polycarbonate.


  • (W x D x H) = 1200 x 570 x 1950 mm
  • Weight: approx. 550 kg
  • 3 ~ 400 V / 50 Hz / 1.1 kW