The ThermoIMAGER G7 is an industrial thermal imaging camera specially designed for applications in the glass industry. The spectral range of 7.9 µm enables reliable measurements even on thin glass sheets. If the glass has a reflection coating, an additional reference pyrometer can be integrated in order to readjust the thermal imaging camera.


The thermoIMAGER G7 is an industrial thermal imaging camera specially designed for applications in the glass industry. The spectral range of 7.9 µm enables reliable measurements even on thin glass sheets. If the glass has a reflection coating, an additional reference pyrometer can be integrated in order to readjust the thermal imaging camera. Like all thermoIMAGER TIM cameras, the G7’s license-free analysis software includes a line scan feature that enables the monitoring of thermal processes, even if the field of vision is restricted.


  • Line scan feature via license-free analysis software
  • Compact size of 46 x 56 x 90 mm
  • Image frequency of 80 Hz
  • Robust against ambient temperatures up to 70 °C without requiring additional cooling, up to 315 °C with cooling jacket
  • Optional integration of a reference pyrometer for glass with a reflection coating
  • NEW: TIM G7 VGA with up to 125 Hz measurement speed and VGA resolution of 640 x 480 pixels

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