controller MSC7401

The new MSC7401 controller is designed to be operated with LVDT and LDR measuring gauges and displacement sensors.


The new MSC7401 controller is designed to be operated with LVDT and LDR measuring gauges and displacement sensors. Due to its robust aluminum housing protected to IP67, this single-channel controller is predestined for industrial measurement tasks. A large variety of compatible, inductive displacement sensors and gages from Micro-Epsilon combined with an optimized price/performance ratio opens up numerous fields of applications in automation technology and machine building.


  • Supply: 5 V...14 V...30 V
  • Resolution: ≤ 0.012 % FSO
  • Linearity: 0.02 % FSO
  • Frequency response: 300 Hz
  • Robust aluminum housing
  • Protection class: IP67