Digital Servo Controller
- 1 x 16 Bit ±10V Control Channel for Servo System
- 1 X 16 Bit ±10V analog output for feeding the table position to DAQ system.
- Digital Encoder Input for Table Position
- Up to 4 kHz selectable PID control loop time
- Signal Generation (Contour Mode) up to 2 kHz
- Ethernet Connection to PC
- Advanced PID control with velocity and acceleration feed forwards, notch filter and lowpass filter.
- Emergency Stop Button
- Digital Relay Outputs for Enabling / Disabling Torque from Software
EASYTEST Shake Table
Shake Table CONTROL Software
- Labview Based, Customizable Graphical Programming
- Sine, Triangle, Saw tooth, Square, Sine Sweep, Sine Beat, Random/Transient,
- Classical Shock, Waveform Replication, Frequency and Amplitude Sweeping and combinations.
- Signal and Time History Generator
- Time History import from ASCII files, unlimitied file size and continuous operation,
- Amplitude Matching function for Cyclic Applications to minimize errors.
- Filtering and Scaling of input data
- User defined profiles, load and saving of input data and settings as a project.
- Real time display of input and output displacement / acceleration, data acquisition channels.
- Acceleration-Velocity-Displacement Time History, FFT and Response Spectrum of input and output data. Test simulation.
- Easy Calibration for DAQ Channels (load cell, accelerometer, strain gauge type sensors, etc.)
- Digital Filter options for DAQ Channels. (Low pass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop with Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev topologies)
- Viewer Panel for Post Processing and Seismic Analysis.
- Grahps pallette for zooming, panning, cursor and resizability for all the graphs.