SuperFlow’s WinDyn® Software is the most feature-rich system available for dynamometers today. We’ve included all the tools you need to make a SuperFlow® dynamometer a successful piece of your business. WinDyn® is preconfigured with industry standard tests to get you up and running quickly. But, we didn’t stop there… We’ve also developed powerful configuration and test editors that offer you complete, customized control of the dynamometer, the test cell and the tests you’re running. WinDyn’s® available 76 measured channels and 35 calculated channels let you measure and analyze data to make your products better. Our advanced electronics sample data at rates between 1,000 and 2,500 Hz depending on the channel and display it at 100 lines per second so you’re sure to see the entire picture. The built-in data analysis tools let you see data in a way that makes sense, and like the rest of WinDyn®, data analysis is completely user-configurable should you choose.
Start Testing Quickly
WinDyn® comes pre-configured with standardized tests to get you testing quickly. Pre-defined test groups automatically configure the dynamometer for standardized testing. Simply select the one that matches your current needs and you’re ready to run.
Test Groups
A test group is a WinDyn® file that completely configures the dynamometer for testing. By using test groups you ensure that all tests are run in the same way, regardless of the operator. Test groups configure the following:
All channels being monitored (measured, calculations, constants and interpolations)
Screen group of up to ten real-time data monitoring screens
Safety limits (if desired) to protect your engine
Test profiles (acceleration, step, steady state, break-in, life cycle, track simulation, custom, etc.)
Sensor calibrations
Relay controls for test cell functions (lights, pumps, fans, ignition, etc.)
PID control parameters
Test specifications (starting and ending speeds, engine specs, test notes, etc.)
Completely Customizable
In addition to the standard ready to run configuration supplied from the factory, you can customize WinDyn® in any manner you’d like. Write custom test profiles, design custom screen groups, add a company logo to data plots, set up print preferences for graphs and tabular data, add additional sensors or integrate emissions equipment quickly and easily. The best part about WinDyn® is its versatility: it comes fully loaded and ready to run all the standard tests you need, plus gives you the power to configure tests any way you prefer. Learn more about our advanced editors.
Test Profiles
Test profiles are a series of commands that automatically perform a test. WinDyn comes loaded with standard test profiles including (acceleration, step, steady state, and break-in), but the Test Profile Editor gives you the ability to write any custom test you can imagine. Here are some examples of what WinDyn users are already doing:
Automated one-touch tests that control every detail like:
powering on pumps and fans
powering ignition
turning on fuel
checking critical parameters like oil pressure and water temperature before beginning a test sequence
ending the test
stopping the engine
Cyclic durability tests to check engine belt life
Reverse acceleration to simulate tractor pulling
Transmission durability tests on chassis dynamometers
Slope simulation
Track lap simulation for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb, Charlotte Motor Speedway, and others
Pass/Fail tests for air filters and catalytic converters on the SF-1020SB
Automated chassis dynamometer tests with throttle actuators
300-hour diesel engine durability tests
Urban drive cycle tests
Emissions tests
Configuration Editor
The configuration editor gives you the power to create the custom test environment you desire. This powerful Windows® based editor allows you to define:
Channel Definition (name, units, format, filtering, formulas, etc.)
Control Channels (closed-loop controllers for load, throttle, flow, etc.)
Display Channels (in any language)
Once you’re happy with your custom configuration, it’s saved so the dynamometer can quickly be configured to your specifications before every test.
Safety Limits Editor
Safety limits prevent problematic situations like low oil pressure or overheating from damaging your engine or vehicle. They are completely user-configurable by channel (exhaust temp, oil pressure, water temp, etc.), by critical value and by resulting action. You can even set up a multi-stage rev limiter. Limits are constantly monitored and if triggered the post-mortem feature kicks in to provide a snapshot of data before and after the limit was triggered to assist you in determining what happened to the engine.
Test Data Perfected
WinDyn® is packed with data analysis tools that make analyzing your engine or vehicles performance easy. For each test, you can view up to 10 user-defined pages in tabular format, graphical format or side-by-side. Additionally, up to 10 saved tests can be overlaid on a graph enabling you to make informed decisions quickly. Like all other WinDyn® features, all the data viewing capabilities are customizable. The test group defines which data is on each of the ten pages and on each page’s graphs. You can change this at any time, even after the test is completed.
Want to see an area of a graph in more detail? Drag a box around the area you want to see and WinDyn® immediately zooms and re-scales that portion of the graph for easy comparison. Plots are easily enhanced with your company logo before printing. They can also be exported as a bitmap or JPG for emailing to customers or posting to your website. If WinDyn’s® data analysis tools aren’t enough for you, export your test data to Microsoft Excel® for custom post-test analysis.
Customer Data Packs
Your customers are why you’re in business. With WinDyn’s® Customer Data Pack feature you can instantly create a file with their test data and the WinDyn® data viewer so they can take their results home. This data viewer includes all the same analysis tools as WinDyn® so your customers will be assured of their results.
SuperFlow Explorer
Managing data files is crucial to finding your data efficiently. The SuperFlow® Explorer, located under the tools menu, allows you to quickly navigate to the correct data, view it, plot it or print it with the click of the mouse. It can browse all folders, networks and the desktop and also create, rename, copy, move delete and manage all system folders.
Test Playback
WinDyn® allows you to replay stored tests with all meters and screens active just as they were during the original test. You can print any or all WinDyn® screens and data to most Windows® supported printers.